Goulding's Flight Operating Procedures
- Please sign and submit the form below agreeing that the airstrip is “fly at your own risk.”
- A copy of aircraft insurance is required. For rented aircraft, please have the rental company send a copy of their insurance to Goulding’s Resort & Tours.
- Please tie down all aircraft if it will be unattended (sudden windstorms are common). BRING TIE DOWNS.
- No overnight flights in the areas south and west of the runway, between the runway and mesas. Do not “buzz” any of the Goulding’s Resort & Tours buildings.
- Any grounded equipment or aircraft that is to be left at the Goulding’s airstrip after you leave must be cleared with management.
- Ground equipment (trailers, etc.) should be parked on the west side of the airstrip in the big gravel area south area of the windsock. Do NOT park near the hangar or on the paved area.
- The asphalt parking area at the south end of the airstrip is reserved for commercial aircraft. Other aircraft should use the dirt parking area west of the runway.
- No touch-and-go.
- Take off is from runway 34 and landing is on runway 16.
- CTAF is 122.9.
- Field elevation is 5,208′. Be aware of density altitude.
Goulding’s Resort & Tours is a separate entity from the Monument Valley Tribal Park, and therefore does not have the authority to grant access to fly over the park. Please contact the park directly to obtain a permit.
PARAGLIDER RESTRICTIONS: Monument Valley Tribal Park is a NO fly zone for paragliders, however, Goulding's Resort & Tours does allow paragliders to land and take off from our runway before 8:30am and after 5:00pm. Anyone seeking a permit to fly over monument valley will need to do so with the Navajo tribal park.
Permission is required prior to landing
**Note: This is a private airstrip and not to be used by for commercial services**
Call 866-957-5123 for permission.
Email or scan a Copy of Aircraft Insurance and a completed Goulding's Flight Operating Procedures Form with your Tail Number, Estimated Date and Time of arrival and that you understand it’s a private airport and assume all risks to gouldings@gouldings.com.

General Information
Aircraft Based on the Field: 2
Single Engine Airplanes: 2
Aircraft Operations: Avg 62/Month
Transient Aviation: 68%
Local General Aviation: 27%
Air Taxi: 5%
Parking: Private Hanger, Tie Downs, (No Ground to Wing Chains)
Fuel: NONE
Airstrip Services
Airstrip Use: Private
Sectional Chart: Denver
Control Tower: NO
ARTCC: Denver Center
FSS: Cedar City Flight Service Station
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes – Orange (2 – Both ends of Runway)
Lights: None
Runway 16/34 Information
Dimensions: 3800 X 45 FT
Surface: Asphalt (4” Thick Landing Zone, 2” Thick Remaining Area)
Gradient: 2.4
Traffic Pattern: Left
Runway Lights: None
Obstructions: Cliff, 2640 AGL
Gradient: -2.4
Traffic Pattern: N/A
Runway Lights: None
Obstructions: None